Wednesday, November 4, 2015

Day 3: A Room A Week, A Bag A Day

To Read the details about the 6 week challenge go here

The Room:

Vigorous cleaning continues in the family room.  The Fan

So embarrassing!  I decided it would be best to start by using a brush attachment on my vacuum to  get the big stuff and then clean with my bleach/water mixer and a rag.  So I ventured to the vacuum closet to search for the attachment.  Here's what happened
Why I've had a brand new shark steam vac with all it's accompanying parts for 2 years and never used it I can't explain.  Or the broken extension rod with dust mop end, or the bagless vac that can't handle the fact that I had 6 daughters with long hair to clean up after or how the "cleaning closet" could be the most disgusting area in my whole house...

there are no answers to my hoarding- just one solution... 

The Bag
The Shark Steam Vac will be sold on facebook, the bagless vac at the garage sale.  Miscellaneous broken parts in the garbage!  

It feels good, it feels lighter, it is lighter, 20 pounds lighter!  

I'm not the only one shedding house pounds:

15 1/2 pounds were removed from a home office!
 Take a look at this fridge make-over.

 2 Bags later:
How much weight can your house lose in the next 6 weeks?  It's never too late to start.  

Total Loss:  76 1/2

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