Thursday, December 10, 2015

Week 6 Almost Done: Room A Week, Bag A Day Challenge

The Room:
I was able to get everything on the table cleaned up and ready to be sold.  Here's how the space looks now...

Still super sawdusty, but progress is progress.  Here's a pic of a few of the treasures I cleaned up and priced...

The Bag:
Still cleaning out furniture from our old guest bedroom...

This little pile weighed in at 23 pounds!  Don't forget to check back monday for the week 6 reveal!  I can't believe the challenge is coming to an end.  However, the biggest part of the challenge will be getting everything ready for our big sale next Friday and Saturday.  Here's the information...

This sale will be massive!  We will have everything from my challenge, everything from the estate clearing I did last week as well as part of my good friends 40 years of collecting! I'll be posting pictures as we get items organized and ready to sell!  Hope you all can make it.  

Total Loss:  773 lbs

Also, I'll be participating in a Christmas Market tomorrow in Peoria.  I'd love it if you could stop by. Here's the info...

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